Man knows more than he understands

Alfred Adler

Gina Elena Zefira Lombroso

Gina Elena Zefira Lombroso

  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Comments
    Написала историю жизни Чезаро, которая вышла в Турине в 1915 году. криминалист, антрополог, написала несколько книг по профессии, в том числе в соавторстве с Ферреро, за которого вышла замуж в 1901 году.


Family tree

Gina Elena Zefira Lombroso

(October 5, 1872October 5, 1872 Gregorian
September 23, 1872 Julian
Tishrei 3, 5633 Hebrew
, Paviya - March 27, 1944March 27, 1944 Gregorian
March 14, 1944 Julian
Nisan 3, 5704 Hebrew
, Zheneva)

(November 6, 1835November 6, 1835 Gregorian
October 25, 1835 Julian
Cheshvan 14, 5596 Hebrew
, Verona - October 19, 1909October 19, 1909 Gregorian
October 6, 1909 Julian
Cheshvan 4, 5670 Hebrew
, Turin)

(July 21, 1871July 21, 1871 Gregorian
July 9, 1871 Julian
Av 3, 5631 Hebrew
, Portichi - August 3, 1942August 3, 1942 Gregorian
July 21, 1942 Julian
Av 20, 5702 Hebrew
, Veve)

(October 16, 1903October 16, 1903 Gregorian
October 3, 1903 Julian
Tishrei 25, 5664 Hebrew
, Turin - August 26, 1933August 26, 1933 Gregorian
August 13, 1933 Julian
Elul 4, 5693 Hebrew
, Санта Фе)

(19091909 Gregorian
1908 Julian
5669 Hebrew
- September 4, 1987September 4, 1987 Gregorian
August 22, 1987 Julian
Elul 10, 5747 Hebrew
, Kyanti)


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