Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

Albert Einstein

Jeanne Paul Levi-Bruhl

Jeanne Paul Levi-Bruhl

Jeanne Paul Levi-Bruhl
  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.
  • Comments
    инженер-химик Жан-Поль Леви-Брюль (1890—1960).
  • Information source
    русская википедия Люсьен Леви Брюль


Family tree

Jeanne Paul Levi-Bruhl

(18901890 Gregorian
1889 Julian
5650 Hebrew
- 19601960 Gregorian
1959 Julian
5720 Hebrew

(April 10, 1857April 10, 1857 Gregorian
March 29, 1857 Julian
Nisan 16, 5617 Hebrew
, Paris - March 13, 1939March 13, 1939 Gregorian
February 28, 1939 Julian
Adar 22, 5699 Hebrew
, Paris)

(18591859 Gregorian
1858 Julian
5619 Hebrew
- 19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew


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