In this world there is no reward for the commandments.


Martin Mordechai Buber

Martin Mordechai Buber

  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Tags
    Famous jews,
  • Comments
    Философ, писатель, известен своей экзистенциальной "философией диалога". Вырос в Лемберге, с 1938 года жил в Израиле. Distinct philosopher and author. Widely known for his existentialistic "philosophy of dialog". Grew up in Lemberg (today Lviv, Ukraine), from 1938 lived in Israel.
  • Information source

Family tree

Martin Mordechai Buber

(February 8, 1878February 8, 1878 Gregorian
January 27, 1878 Julian
Adar 5, 5638 Hebrew
, Vienna - June 13, 1965June 13, 1965 Gregorian
May 31, 1965 Julian
Sivan 13, 5725 Hebrew
, Jerusalem)

(18481848 Gregorian
1847 Julian
5608 Hebrew
- 19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew

(June 14, 1877June 14, 1877 Gregorian
June 2, 1877 Julian
Tammuz 3, 5637 Hebrew
, Munich - August 11, 1958August 11, 1958 Gregorian
July 29, 1958 Julian
Av 25, 5718 Hebrew
, Venice)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
- )

(19011901 Gregorian
1900 Julian
5661 Hebrew
- )


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