We moralize among ruins.

Benjamin Disraeli

Anastasia Tysyachnikov

Anastasia Tysyachnikov

Anastasia Tysyachnikov
  • Comments
    Первая жена Рыбакова.


Family tree

Anastasia Tysyachnikov

(19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew
- )

(January 1, 1911January 1, 1911 Gregorian
December 19, 1910 Julian
Teveth 1, 5671 Hebrew
, Chernihiv - December 23, 1998December 23, 1998 Gregorian
December 10, 1998 Julian
Teveth 4, 5759 Hebrew
, Brooklyn, New York)

(October 17, 1940October 17, 1940 Gregorian
October 4, 1940 Julian
Tishrei 15, 5701 Hebrew
- May 15, 1994May 15, 1994 Gregorian
May 2, 1994 Julian
Sivan 5, 5754 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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