How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?


Zolondz Tatiana

Zolondz Tatiana

  • Current residence
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  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
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  • Comments
    История рода Zolondz (Jolondz, Zholondz, Жолондзь) известна мне с проживания на территории Польши, Губернии Ломженской, деревни Пиотница.

Family tree

Zolondz Tatiana

(November 5, 1959November 5, 1959 Gregorian
October 23, 1959 Julian
Cheshvan 4, 5720 Hebrew
, Frunze - )

(September 5, 1929September 5, 1929 Gregorian
August 23, 1929 Julian
Av 30, 5689 Hebrew
- )

(November 12, 1927November 12, 1927 Gregorian
October 30, 1927 Julian
Cheshvan 17, 5688 Hebrew
, Irkutsk - October 10, 2005October 10, 2005 Gregorian
September 27, 2005 Julian
Tishrei 7, 5766 Hebrew
, Bishkek)

(May 15, 1978May 15, 1978 Gregorian
May 2, 1978 Julian
Iyar 8, 5738 Hebrew
, Frunze - )

(August 29, 1991August 29, 1991 Gregorian
August 16, 1991 Julian
Elul 19, 5751 Hebrew
, Bishkek - )


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